29 April 2010

When Mummy introduces Monkey to Matai
He examines him very carefully.

What a funny little friend !

28 April 2010

Matai catches up on his weekly Nanny snuggles
Before the two retire to bed and snuggle some more.

27 April 2010

In the evenings, when Daddy comes home from work
Matai likes to sit on his lap while the two of them
Watch Miro play with his Autos.

26 April 2010

Matai cuddles and chats with Aunty Melissa
At Cabbage Tree Bay, in the sun.

25 April 2010

A rainy ANZAC day at the Powerhouse Museum
Sees Matai tolerate a hat for the very first time

(...And look very spunky in it!)

24 April 2010

The trials and tribulations of a fruitless and frustrating day
Searching One's Own Thumb...

23 April 2010

During a colossal three hour sleep from Miro
Matai sleeps, wakes, sleeps and wakes.

In waking moments, we have fun, lovely giggles and surprise!
As he plays aeroplane and peekaboo
From between Mummy's legs.

22 April 2010

When Grumps says he's going to get a No. 5 haircut on the weekend
Matai reacts like this:

But most of the day, he just has trouble keeping his eyes open
And slumbers in arms as a "Nanny's Boy"

21 April 2010

Matai and his cheeky "Hey Girls!" smile

20 April 2010

Today, Matai starts to desperately seek his thumb
And periodically spits out his dummy in an effort to use his hands.

But most of the time, he's still asleep,
And slumbers in pram, in car and in arms...

19 April 2010

Despite Miro's penchance for squealing up and down the house
And Matai's annoyance at being woken or otherwise disturbed each time,
Matai starts to show an interest in the Whirlwind That Is Miro
And consents to cuddling up with him happily.... sometimes...

18 April 2010

Matai lies in while the family have a balcony breakfast
And is kept company by Mummy coos, and copious toys.

Miro keeps piling them up and up...
Sometimes it all becomes a bit too much !

17 April 2010

Cat and Matt come 'round for cards
And after hours without a peep, but staring fixedly at Astro Boy
Matai takes cuddles where he can find them

16 April 2010

Between naps and milk and cuddles
Matai gets into the spirit
At Europe Grill with Eylem and Ivo.

15 April 2010

Fun and games for the rare minutes that Matai is awake today...
In Nanny's arms, and with Grumps and Miro and funny faces!

14 April 2010

...And gravitates to being safe from Miro
In his playpen, on the roll-friendly floor...

13 April 2010

Matai enjoys one of his last days
Watching his mobile
While safe from Miro
On top of the kitchen bench...

12 April 2010

Matai wings his way to sleepytime...

11 April 2010

On a glorious walk to the Parramatta River
With the extended Abbotsford Randalls...

10 April 2010

Matai starts to open his Smile Allowance
And on the proviso that he is actually awake
Gives smiles to whoever asks, every day.

9 April 2010

This afternoon, Matai enjoys his first real playtime with Miro
(Under Mummy's watchful - but firmly excluded-from-the-bed eye!)
Which includes being properly introduced to Matchbox cars
And hugged and patted from all angles....

And sucking back !

8 April 2010

Another day where Matai sleeps almost constantly -
Save for when the "happy couple", Daney and Dale,
Decide to give him dodgy hugs!

7 April 2010

Matai socialises with Steve, Lucy and Lucy's Mum
Before deciding that all that night partying is too much for little boys
And politely requesting to be wrapped up, nounoued and put to bed.

6 April 2010

More and more, Matai rejects daytime Nounou
In favour of plain old fashioned cuddles, kisses, and
Walking around with him snugged into the side of Mummy's hip
So he can join in and watch the world.

5 April 2010

Trying to recreate the "Don' t mess with Grumps' mug" shot
Miro made famous at the same age,
Matai is the perfect model...

Miro, not so much !

4 April 2010

As big as Matai sometimes seems to be growing
His little face is still cocooned by his Grumps' hand.

3 April 2010

Matai sleeps fretfully through a visit to Lucas Cave
But after feeding, settles down for a solid 6 hours of dreaming...

2 April 2010

The family sets up camp at Newnes
In the lengthening shadows of glowing cliff-face
While bigger boys kick footballs, girls ride bikes,
And adults pull out beanies and pullovers
Starting little steamy fires that breathe smoke across the damp grass.

Meanwhile Miro practices being Two
Tripping over everything, and frequenting stormy tantrums
Where nounous come flying at Matai's head
Or dirty footsteps appear on his chair.

In the middle of it all, Matai sits like a Magi
And cools the chaos.

1 April 2010

During cuddles with Nanny
We count the cute little kissable rolls of fat
That are developing around Matai's neck