27 September 2012

Today we lose Matai
And walk through the house and garden calling out to him.
A snuffle; heavy breathing;
And there he is, behind a bit of wood,
Shovelling handfuls of yoghurt into his mouth
After quietly stealing it from the fridge...

26 September 2012

Cheeky boys under the parachute
When we go to Paint n Play.

25 September 2012

The start of the boys' dirt obsession...
When not allowed to pick the pansies!

24 September 2012

Matai is so proud of his numerous bandaid tattoos
And nary a bobo amongst them!

23 September 2012

Tai starts getting sleepy while watching Miro play trains
And soon, curls up to sleep on the floorboards of the verandah, 
In the warm slanting shadows, beside the rails.

22 September 2012

The face we get when asking for
Biscuits/ Froddies/ water...

And the face we get when someone keeps touching the washing machine
And stopping it mid-cycle!

21 September 2012

Fritzy Ritzy on our rainy Friday,
Where Nanny takes the boys to McDonalds
But Tai finds everything but the icecream inedible.

20 September 2012

Post-bath, Matai disappears, to be found
Running his cars through the dust in the garden dusk,
Utterly oblivious to the chill damp of evening,
In his definite state of no-clothery.

19 September 2012

Funny monkey,
Swinging off the handrail.

18 September 2012

Sneaking into Nanny's bedroom,
Tai develops a taste for it,
And that evening, after asking where she is,
Can be found snuggled next to her rosy bosom, watching Octonauts...

We also go for a lovely walk with Nanny around the neighbourhood today.
Miro and Tai get their first comic book, a Tom and Jerry one,
And we eat chippies in the playground under the shade of gums.

17 September 2012

While we're at Nanna's place
Matai suddenly suggests a bath
And paints his world of fun with the bubbles...!

16 September 2012

Matai paints over 
Schools of goldfish
Especially created for that purpose.

15 September 2012

Biccies and Froddies with Nanny
Comes after a shared breakfast of three serves of porridge,
Complete with copious cuddles, hand-feeding
And wiping up afterwards.

14 September 2012

Spongebob Squarepants.

Times two.

13 September 2012

Bedtime in Mummy and Papa's bed
Is a very special exception!

12 September 2012

The best snoozy spot in the house!

11 September 2012

Garden fun with Leelee.

10 September 2012

Time for reading, picking Nanny's pansies,
And climbing the play house in the springtime sunshine.

9 September 2012

"This is what didgeridoos are for, Matai..."
Running your trains down!

8 September 2012

Bandaid obsession.

7 September 2012

Trying to get the boys to stop running in Toad Hall
Is like asking ten foot waves to crash gently on the shore.

6 September 2012

Even forgetting to put on clothes!
It's fervent playtime
With Thomas, Percy, Belle and Diesel 10.

5 September 2012

Darling downy feather-head
In the morning bath with Miro.

4 September 2012

Sleeping Beauty
Falls asleep in the 3 minutes from our house to Din's,
And so we place him on pillows in the garden, in the balmy shade.
But Nanny can't bear the thought of tiny ants creeping over him
And so spends the next hour beside him, flicking off each insect
That trespasses on his sweetly snoozing skin.

3 September 2012

Matai has a habit
Of collecting all the toys he loves
And insisting on carrying them all around in his arms,
Dropping them haphazardly,
And scattering more when he bends to pick them up!

Unfortunately today, 
On top of all this,
They're Archie's toys!!

2 September 2012

Happy Father's Day Papa!

Matai loves Daddy, 
As well as the Miderman card !

1 September 2012

Whiling away the afternoon in the garden at Nanny and Din's;
Playing on the swing and trawling Percy through the dirt,
All the while begging froggies.

31 August 2012

Miro's beloved teacher Sarah gives him her teddy Freddie
To take on all sorts of adventures for the rest of this week.
He starts his time with our family by supervising the big boys' bath
And making sure to avoid any untoward splashes!

30 August 2012

A favourite bathtime pastime:
Throwing Thomas and Percy out of the bath
Then requesting that Mummy pick them up.
(Over and over again).